Equation Calculator Pro

Solve Entered Equation for Numerical Values. Define Variables, enter formula.

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Welcome to Equation Calculator Pro. The Equation Calculator Pro allows you setup equations, define and set Variable Values, and calculate an equation result.

You can create a record with variables and alues for a each equation. Equations and variable values can be changed and saved in the same or different record. Variables can be added or removed to the variable list. Select the number of variables in the formula form the SpinBox at the top. Variables require a name, description, and numeric value. Decimals are allowed, and use four decimal places. Constants can be place directly in the equation space below. Variables use letters with no special characters or numbers. Enter the equation using the above variables. Do not use spaces. eg. a*(b+c). Operations supported are in the combo Box on the equation right. The operations supported: + - * / ^ abs exp lg ln cos sin tan sec cotan cosec arccos arcsin arctan arcsec cosh sinh tanh coth sech sqrt. The Pro version adds Derivatives by variable, Integration, Match equations by using one equation result inserted into a varible of another equation. Expanded Data is saved in tables per equation, so graphs can be produced between or for data column per variable. A tree view is added to list your equations showing dependent equations.

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